
Recognised training practice
Since 1 January 2017, Psychotherapy & Movement has been a recognised training practice inspected by the RINO group (Utrecht). Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZa) number: 450- 4116. Under a full-time employment agreement, the training course to become a healthcare psychologist consists of a two-year programme with one day a week of theoretical training.

Certificate of Conduct (VOG)
All practitioners at Psychotherapy & Movement have an obligation of confidentiality and a valid Certificate of Conduct (in Dutch: Verklaring Omtrent Gedrag/VOG). This certificate is renewed every three years.

Certificate of Conduct for Procurement (GVA)
As an independent practice, Psychotherapy & Movement has a Certificate of Conduct for Procurement.
What is a Certificate of Conduct for Procurement?
A Certificate of Conduct for Procurement (in Dutch: Gedragsverklaring Aanbesteden/GVA) is provided by the Dutch screening authority Justis when an investigation has shown there are no objections to a natural or legal person submitting a tender for a public contract.
In order to provide this certificate, the Dutch screening authority Justis, which is authorised to award a Certificate of Conduct for Procurement, consults the Judicial Documentation System and examines whether any relevant decisions have been taken by the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets, or the European Commission.