Frequently Asked Questions

What are the opening hours at Psychotherapy & Movement?

You can call Psychotherapy & Movement on weekdays from 9 am to 6 pm. If you need urgent help outside these hours, please contact the on-call general practitioner (GP) or crisis service in your area.

What type of referral letter is needed in order to receive treatment at Psychotherapy & Movement?

We need a referral letter from your general practitioner or psychiatrist containing the following information:

  • Date of referral (no longer than 6 months ago)
  • The referring practitioner’s AGB code (data management register code used by healthcare providers in the Netherlands)
  • The practice’s stamp and the GP’s and/or psychiatrist’s signature
  • Client details (name, address & city, and date of birth)
  • Indication of an existing or suspected (provisional diagnosis) psychological disorder, including the name ‘PTSD’ where applicable (DSM-5 code or other method of indication)
  • Indication that the referral is for specialised mental healthcare (in Dutch: SGGZ)

What is the difference between BGGZ and SGGZ treatment?

BGGZ (basic general mental healthcare) offers short-term treatment for mild to moderate psychological problems. In practice, this means a referral for a maximum of 12 sessions. If the problems are more complex, the client can be referred for specialised mental healthcare (in Dutch: SGGZ).

Specialised mental healthcare focuses on more comprehensive psychological diagnosis and treatment for more complex and specialised problems. These are often psychological or other problems that have been present for some time and have an intrusive effect at different levels.

I need help urgently; can I get urgent help at Psychotherapy & Movement?

Psychotherapy & Movement does not give priority or urgency at registration and examination. If there is any question of a crisis or urgency, please contact your General Practitioner or the Mental Health Crisis Service in your area.

Is it possible to get treatment at Psychotherapy & Movement if I am already getting treatment from a psychologist, psychiatrist or another GGZ institution?

Unfortunately, you cannot get treatment at Psychotherapy & Movement if you are already undergoing treatment with another therapist.

Will there be any charges if, following the intake procedure, I am not eligible for treatment?

Psychotherapy & Movement incurs expenses when processing your registration and carrying out the intake. 

  • If you have already used up your statutory policy excess, or the policy excess agreed to with your insurance company, the cost of the registration and intake will be covered by your health insurance.
  • If you have not – or not entirely – used up your statutory policy excess, or that agreed to with your insurance company, you will have to pay these costs yourself. This means you pay the cost of the intake.

Can I always get treatment at Psychotherapy & Movement?

During the intake, it may become clear that:

  • you can get more suitable treatment (e.g. tertiary healthcare) at an organisation other than Psychotherapy & Movement and are therefore not eligible for treatment at our practice. We will then refer you back to your general practitioner;
  • the client may be prone to a mental health crisis and in need of intensive care.
  • You may also decide, during or following the intake, not to start treatment.

Can I get schema therapy or EMDR treatment at Psychotherapy & Movement?

Psychotherapy & Movement offers schema therapy and EMDR. All the therapists at Psychotherapy & Movement have completed basic and follow-up training in schema therapy.

All therapists at Psychotherapy & Movement have followed basic training in EMDR. Paula de Jong and Mellony van Hemert are specialised EMDR Europe Practitioners.

Can I register for schema therapy?

Psychotherapy & Movement is not currently taking on clients for schema therapy. We do not use waiting lists. If you wish to undergo schema therapy, please contact us in the autumn to find out if and when we are able to offer schema therapy.

Can I be put on the waiting list for treatment at Psychotherapy & Movement?

Psychotherapy & Movement does not use waiting lists because it feels that clients should be able to get treatment immediately if necessary.

Can I take part in the study on PTSD due to early childhood trauma?

The main criteria for participation in the study are as follows:

  • A combination of sexual and physical abuse took place before the age of 16, and was committed by someone at least 5 years older.
  • If medication is being used, a stable regimen should have been established for a least 3 months (e.g. if medication was started 2 months previously, treatment can begin in 1 month). 

The study that we are carrying out examines the effectiveness of Imaginal Exposure and Imagery Rescripting treatment, 2 trauma-oriented treatment methods which focus on processing traumatic experiences. Click on the following link for further information on what participation in the study involves: PTSS-Onderzoek

Will information be sent to my general practitioner?

If you give permission, your general practitioner (or other referring practitioner) will be sent a letter informing them that you are starting treatment. The content of this letter will be discussed with you beforehand. Treatment sometimes requires that information is requested from a third party. We always ask your written permission for this.

No-show policy

If you are unable to attend an appointment, please let us know at least 24 hours beforehand. This enables us to book someone else for this time slot. Unfortunately, if you do not inform us in time, or if you do not show up, we will be obliged to charge you a fee of EUR 75. This amount will not be reimbursed by the municipality / insurance company.

ROM effectiveness measurement

Routine Outcome Monitoring (ROM) is a method used in mental healthcare to assess a client’s problems and progress. The objective is, together with the client, to measure, evaluate, adjust and if possible improve the treatment progress.

It is for this reason that you will be asked to fill in a questionnaire (OQ-45) once every 3 months during treatment at Psychotherapy & Movement. The results of the questionnaire will be discussed with you so that you can clearly see the progress of your treatment.

I am insured with CZ / Menzis; can I register with Psychotherapy & Movement?

Yes, CZ and Menzis clients are welcome at Psychotherapy & Movement. They may register with Psychotherapy & Movement through 1nP.

Below are step-by-step instructions explaining how you can register with us through 1nP (please feel free to email us if you have any questions):

  1. Go to (in Dutch only)
  2. Click on ‘vind een behandelaar’ or ‘inschrijven clienten’
  3. Click on ‘specialistische GGZ’ or ‘basis’ (see referral letter)
  4. Search by name / postcode of the head practitioner – Type in: ‘De Jong’ (either ‘1018 EV’ or ‘Clinical Psychologist’) or ‘Van Hemert’ or ‘Psychotherapist'
  5. Choose ‘Praktijk Artis’ then ‘Mw. De Jong, Paula’ (coordinating treatment provider) or ‘Mw van Hemert’ (coordinating treatment provider) or ‘Dhr Zoon’ (assistant therapist)
  6. Click on 'inschrijven' 
  7. You can then follow the steps (enter date of birth, upload referral letter etc.)

If you have any questions, please call the 1nP secretary’s office on +31 (0)900-5553000 or contact us.