Psychotherapy & Movement is an Amsterdam-based practice that provides specialised care as part of the Dutch Association of Mental Health and Addiction Care, the GGZ. Psychotherapy & Movement supports clients with mental health problems and disorders. We promote psychological health through diagnosis and treatment, scientific research and by spreading knowledge. Psychotherapy & Movement investigates and treats a very wide group of people (6 – 100 years of age). Psychotherapy & Movement specialises in particular in treating personality disorders and complex PTSD (trauma).
Psychotherapy & Movement
Psychotherapy & Movement is an Amsterdam-based practice that provides specialised care as part of the Dutch Association of Mental Health and Addiction Care, the GGZ. Psychotherapy & Movement supports clients with mental health problems and disorders. We promote psychological health through diagnosis and treatment, scientific research and by spreading knowledge. Psychotherapy & Movement investigates and treats a very wide group of people (6 – 100 years of age). Psychotherapy & Movement specialises in particular in treating personality disorders and complex PTSD (trauma).